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TIEMS IRAQ Chapter was established in October 2011, to be the source of information, support, and expertise for people and emergency management professionals at all levels of government and the private sectors who prepare for, mitigate, respond to, recover from, and provide products and services for all emergencies, disasters, and threats.

What Is TIEMS IRAQ Chapter?

TIEMS-IRAQ is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association dedicated to enhancing public safety by improving the nation's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all emergencies, disasters, and threats to our nation's security. TIEMS IRAQ Chapter is the professional association of and for emergency management directors from all 18 of Iraq provinces. TIEMS-IRAQ provides national leadership and expertise in comprehensive emergency management; serves as a vital emergency management information and assistance resource; and advances continuous improvement in emergency management through strategic partnerships, innovative programs, and collaborative positions.

Our Vision

Emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the ca­pacity to cope with hazards and disasters.

Our Mission

Emergency Management protects communities by coordinating and integrating all activi­ties necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.

TIEMS Iraq Chapter Principles

Emergency Management must be:  


  • Comprehensive emergency managers consider and take into account all hazards, all phases, all stakeholders and all impacts relevant to disasters

  • Progressive emergency managers anticipate future disasters and take preventive and preparatory measures to build disaster-resistant and disaster-resilient communities

  • Risk-Driven emergency managers use sound risk management principles (hazard identification, risk analysis, and impact analysis) in assigning priorities and resources

  • Integrated emergency managers ensure unity of effort among all levels of govern­ment and all elements of a community

  • Collaborative emergency managers create and sustain broad and sincere relation­ships among individuals and organizations to encourage trust, advocate a team atmo­sphere, build consensus, and facilitate communication

  • Coordinated emergency managers synchronize the activities of all relevant stake­holders to achieve a common purpose

  • Flexible emergency managers use creative and innovative approaches in solving disas­ter challenges

  • Professional emergency managers value a science and knowledge-based approach based on education, training, experience, ethical practice, public stewardship and con­tinuous improvement

تأسست TIEMS IRAQ  في أكتوبر 2011، لتكون مصدر المعلومات والدعم والخبرة للأشخاص والمهنيين في إدارة الطوارئ على جميع مستويات الحكومية والقطاع الخاص الذين يعدون للتخفيف، الاستجابة، واستعادة من، وتوفير منتجات والخدمات لجميع حالات الطوارئ والكوارث والتهديدات.

الرؤيا والرسالة:

 إدارة طوارئ تكون قادرة على إدامة مجتمعات آمنة أقل عرضة للمخاطر مع قدرات تتماشى مع المخاطر والكوارث.

إدارة الطوارئ تحمي المجتمعات من خلال التنسيق والتكامل مع كافة الفعاليات الضرورية لبناء وديمومة وتحسين الامكانيات للتعافي  والتأهب والاستجابة من مهددات او كوارث طبيعية ،العمليات الارهابية او الكوارث التي تكون من صنع الانسان.

ان TIEMS IRAQ هي جمعية متخصصة ومهنية لمدراء الطوارئ من جميع محافظات العراق.لتوفر قيادات وطنية وخبراء بادارة طوارئ شاملة.

We invite you to become a TIEMS member and join us in our efforts for a safer world, see Membership!


ندعوك للانضمام لعضوية الجمعية ومشاركتنا في الجهود التي تبذل من اجل عامل آمن

TIEMS International Education, Training and Certification Programs


Preparedness Saves Lives!


TIEMS Motivation

  • Put international focus on the profession of Emergency and Disaster Management
  • Contribute to an international standard in education, training and certification in Emergency and Disaster Management
  • Contribute to the education in Emergency and Disaster Management by promoting the state of the art in technology, systems and methods available
  • Contribute to education at all levels, from policy documents to courses in primary school education
  • Establish a TIEMS Certification of Qualifications in International Emergency and Disaster Management
  • Contribute to capacity building in countries where little or no education and training in this field is available
  • Recruit international teachers and trainers to TIEMS Pool of International Teachers and Trainers

Use the membership form to join us


Fill out the form and send it to:

for any question contact Dr.Shakir Katea at:

استخدم النموذج اعلاه لغرض طلب العضوية في الجمعية

يرجى ملأ الاستمارة واعادتها على العنوان التالي:

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